These Actions May Be Over But Please Use Them as Inspiration to Contact Your Own Politicians!

Domino action for the Childcare Funding CLiff

Fall 2023

Domino Action Toolkit

On September 30th billions of dollars in funding for childcare expired impacting 3.2 million children. Congress did nothing.  


Summer 2023

This Summer tell your legislators that childcare reform is PAST DUE

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, “affordable childcare” should cost no more than 7% of a family’s income. With the national average cost of childcare for one child being $10,853, it would take 10% of a married couple’s median income and 33% of a single parent’s median income to afford childcare

Low wages are cited as the most significant roadblock in recruiting and retaining qualified staff in childcare programs. Childcare professionals working in daycare centers earn on average $28,520 per year– well below the average livable wage in the United States

If you’re a parent, send your legislators an invoice for the amount you would need to make childcare affordable.

If you’re an early childhood educator, send your legislators an invoice for the amount you would need to make a living wage in your state.

As pandemic funds expire and we move towards a childcare funding cliff this fall show our representatives just how badly the system has failed us and let them know that legislation for affordable, equitable, and fair-paying childcare is PAST DUE.


Parents email or post:

Dear {Senator/Representative Last Name},

As your constituent I am writing to let you know my personal childcare situation. According to the Department of Health and Human services our family should spend no more than 7% of our budget on childcare. Currently we are spending {Your families monthly childcare %} % on childcare. This is equivalent to {yearly difference between 7% and what you pay}. As pandemic era childcare funding is expiring this fall I am writing to you to urge you to vote in favor of childcare reform that provides funding to childcare centers to reduce costs for families, pay workers living wages, increase spots available to families, and improve the infrastructure of childcare centers. 

Thank you for your consideration

{your name}

Parents Social Media: As we approach a financial cliff of funding for childcare this fall I wanted to share with everyone that we spend {%Family budget for childcare}% of our budget every month on childcare. The government recommends only spending 7%. The average family is spending 10-33%. Legislators childcare reform is past due! #{legislators name} #PASTDUECHILDCARE #campaignforchildcare

Early Childhood Educators email or post:

Dear {Senator/Representative Last Name},

As a passionate early childcare educator and one of your constituents, I write to highlight the pressing need for childcare reform in our area. Our children deserve a caring and educated workforce, but the current situation falls short. My pay is {$/hr}, the living wage in my area is {MIT Living wage calculator}. We are desperately short of daycare providers and the pay is a large part of that. Parent’s can not afford to pay more, but I can not afford to continue to make below a living wage.

As pandemic era childcare funding is expiring this fall I am writing to you to urge you to vote in favor of childcare reform that provides funding to childcare centers to reduce costs for families, pay workers living wages, increase spots available to families, and improve the infrastructure of childcare centers. 

Thank you for your consideration

{your name}

Early Childhood Educators Social Media:

Did you know ECEs make {your hourly pay}/hr here? The living wage is {MIT Living wage calculator}. Aren’t our children worth a living wage? The average pay in the US is $28,520 per year– well below the average livable age. Legislators childcare reform is past due! #{legislators name} #PASTDUECHILDCARE #campaignforchildcare

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How to do the math:

% of monthly budget: Take your childcare costs and divide that by your pre-tax income then multiple by 100 for the %

Difference between 7% and what you spend: Take your monthly budget and multiple by 0.07 then subtract that from your childcare cost for the monthly difference. Multiple by 12 for the yearly.

#PastDueOnChildCare Toolkit

Click this link to view our advocacy and social media toolkit to let Congress know they are #PastDueOnChildCare!

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